Psychobiology Lab

Areas of Investigation 

The Laboratory of Psychobiology studies the bases of neurogenetic memory, analyzing the brain circuits activated during the storage process, the alterations that may undergo, and the brain reorganization following neurodegenerative diseases, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis for multiple sclerosis. Particular attention is devoted to the molecular mechanisms that generate memory and transform the neural circuitry in cognitive functions. Depending on the shape of the affected memory (declarative, procedural, emotional) the respective brain regions are examined.

The methods used include techniques and equipment for measuring memory and learning in mice models. Levels of activation of proto-oncogenes are also evaluated as the physiological regulators of cell proliferation that can become oncogenic and trigger a tumor development. The Laboratory also carries out analysis of translation and transduction of proteins, viral vectors, as well as impregnation techniques for the analysis of neuronal morphology and cell filling.

  • Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IPMC), Nice (France)
  • Program in Neurosciences and Mental Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto (Canada)
  • Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy)
Ongoing Research Projects 
  • BIOTTASA: Trasferimento tecnologico e integrazione di biotecnologie per la salute, l'alimentazione e l'ambiente
  • AGESPAN: Disease mechanisms of working memory load capacity in ageing and Alzheimer’ disease.

Laboratory of Psychobiology

Fondazione Santa Lucia Irccs

Via del Fosso di Fiorano, 64 00143 Rome

European Centre for Brain Research (CERC)