FSL - Neuropsicologia dei Disturbi Visuo-Spaziali e della Navigazione

Neuropsychology of Visual-Space and Navigation Disorders Lab

Areas of Investigation 

The Laboratory studies the human systems of orientation and movement in the environment. It examines the ability to learn in relation to space and routes, observing also the role of the individual and gender differences. The analysis is applied to the cognitive and neural structures processes that contribute to orientation, and their development relating to familiar and new environments. The research aims to study how the brain processes visual-spatial information and how it represent persons, objects and places.


Neglect and Deficiency of Environmental Memory

The Laboratory holds special skills on study and treatment of Neglect. That is a neuropsychological disorder that occurs in stroke patients, preventing them from perceiving all that is located on the left side of the visual field. The Laboratory also conducts research on the environmental memory deficits, including topographical disorientation. Under study are both traumatic or pathological forms, due to brain damage or psychiatric diseases, as well as its lack of development in subjects with normal cognitive standards.



Last but not least the research activity is dedicated to the alterations of mental representations of patients in daily life as a result of brain lesions. The objective is to develop rehabilitation protocols and neuropsychological tests that examine the degree of anosognosia in patients with stroke or head trauma.

Laboratory of Neuropsychology of Visual-Space and Navigation Disorders

Fondazione Santa Lucia Irccs

Via Ardeatina, 354 – 00179 Rome