Fondazione Santa Lucia - Ambulatorio di Logopedia

The Speech Therapy Outpatient Clinic

Care Services

The Speech Therapy Outpatient Clinic deals with Specific Language Disorders (DSL) and Specific Learning Disorders associated with schooling (DSA). The treatment is aimed at children and teenagers under 18 years who have difficulty in language development, reading, writing and mathematics skills and in the study process.


Our Specialists

The multi-professional team is made up of a child psychiatrist, psychologist and speech therapist. It can be integrated with other health professionals, according to situation and age of the patient. The first visit is with a child psychiatrist, who starts the diagnostic and rehabilitation process. A speech therapist than takes charge of the patient and begins a cycle of 60-minute rehabilitation appointments on a once or bi-weekly basis. The therapist is specialized in treating specific developmental disorders and strengthening the method of study.


Therapy paths for Language and Learning Problems

The difficulties of language and learning in school can provide the patient with a sense of frustration, especially given the delicate phase of life in which they occur. The objective of the treatment is therefore encourage maximum recovery of language and learning skills of the patient, preventing the cognitive, psychopathological and social related risks often associated with developmental disorders. The family is engaged in the process inclusive of the bureaucratic information and details about the times and methods of rehabilitation. At conclusion the patient is given a written certification that can be presented to the Territorial Services for the Protection of Mental Health and Rehabilitation in Children and Adolescents (TSMREE), the National Health Service as well as to the student’s school.

How to Access the Services

Private – Access to health services with direct payment.



  • First Visit with Child Neuropsychiatrist: 90 euro
  • Speech Therapy Rating: 100 euro
  • Cognitive Assessment 180 euro
  • Speech therapy (1 session) 50 euro
  • Speech therapy (4 monthly sessions) 200 euro
  • Speech therapy (8 monthly sessions) 400 euro



Booking online: Take a few minutes to complete the online form for visits and examinations, and you will be called back by our staff within 48 hours to set the date of the visit.

Telephone bookings: tel. +39 06.515011, Monday to Friday, h. 09:00 - 17:00

Headquarters: Outpatient Clinics, Via Ardeatina, 306 – 00179 Rome, Monday to Friday, h. 08:00 - 19:30; Saturday, h. 08:00 - 13:30