Fondazione Santa Lucia - Ambulatorio Osteoporosi

Center for Prevention, Diagnosis and Care of Osteoporosis

Clinical Evaluation

It involves the administration of a survey that evaluates the presence of risk factors for osteoporosis. Fractures, stooped posture and intense back pain are some of the most common symptoms caused by the weakening of the bones.


Bone Density Scan (MOC)

The Center uses bone density scan (MOC) – a non-invasive and painless diagnostic test – in order to measure the density of bone mass and check for loss of minerals. With the exception of pregnancy, there are no contraindications for its use. The MOC returns results expressed in T-score or Z-score. The T-score is the parameter that affects adults or the elderly. It evaluates the difference between the value of the patient and the average of the healthy 25-30 year old reference population, representing the stage of life when peak bone mass is generally reached. Increased degeneration of bone structure increases the differential: The general condition of osteoporosis occurs when the T-score is below -2.5. The Z-score concerns children, adolescents and persons under the age of 30 years. It instead evaluates the relationship between the individual and the reference value of a healthy population of the same gender and similar age of the patient. Given that growth is not uniform, the doctor takes into account other variables, such as body size, to correct the Z-scote value returned by the MOC.


Other Exams and Treatments for Prevention and Care

MOC can be linked to Level 1 laboratory analyzes on bone metabolism that track the risk of osteoporosis in the patient and may prevent its onset or prevent complications. Following the analysis, the doctor sets the therapy and may prescribe helpful orthopedic devices. Information on physical activity, lifestyle and nutrition are standard elements of prevention and care for patients of all ages. Based on the state of health of the persona drug treatment program that prevents or stops the progression of the disease by reducing the risk of fractures may be advised.

How to Access the Services

SSN (NHS) - In agreement with the National Health Service (NHS). Due to the limitation on the performances that the Santa Lucia Foundation is authorized to provide in agreement with the Public Health Service of the Lazio Region this access method is only available to people who are exempt from the Public SSN rates (priority for the weaker segment of the population) and to people under the age of 30 (priority for the economical weaker segment of the population). In some cases, the access criteria in SSN mode may vary (eg priority to cancer patients). This access method requires your public health doctor’s authorization. You cannot choose your specialist.

SIMP - Practical solution offered by the Santa Lucia Foundation as an alternative to the National Health Service. Patient cost is basically comparable to the Public SSN rates. This method allows access to all medical services (in some cases a medical prescription may be required). You cannot choose your specialist.

Private - Access to exams with direct payment or health insurance (list of insurance agreements). You can choose your specialist.

ATTENTION: some clinical performances should be accessible only in some of the modalities listed above and not in all.



Booking online: Take a few minutes to complete the online form for visits and examinations, and you will be called back by our staff within 48 hours to set the date of the visit.

Telephone bookings: tel. +39 06.515011, Monday to Friday, h. 09:00 - 17:00

Headquarters: Outpatient Clinics, Via Ardeatina, 306 – 00179 Rome, Monday to Friday, h. 08:00 - 19:30; Saturday, h. 08:00 - 13:30