Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic
Clinic Services
The Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic treats eye disorders in adults and children. It carries out instrumental diagnostic tests such asperimetry, corneal pachymetry, optical coherence tomography and fluorescein angiography. Moreover, electrofunctional tests such as standard and focal electroretinogram and visual evoked potentials are performed to study defects in the nervous tract from the retina to the brain.
Focus: Angio-Oct
The Clinic of Ophthalmology is one of the first centers in Italy to have the Angio-Oct, a diagnostic tool for innovative non-invasive angiography (radiology of blood or lymph vessels). Unlike traditional angiography utilizing invasive dyes, the Angio-Oct does not use contrast media. This technology can be used in patients with kidney, heart or liver problems and pregnant women. The instrument allows the evaluation of diseases of the retina, optic nerve and cornea. The Angio-Oct finds its practical application for exudative and atrophic macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and acute central serous retinopathy as well as chronic thrombosis of the central vein, neovascularization of myopic maculopathy and for early detection of glaucoma and retinitis.
How to Access the Services
SSN (NHS) - In agreement with the National Health Service (NHS). Due to the limitation on the performances that the Santa Lucia Foundation is authorized to provide in agreement with the Public Health Service of the Lazio Region this access method is only available to people who are exempt from the Public SSN rates (priority for the weaker segment of the population) and to people under the age of 30 (priority for the economical weaker segment of the population). In some cases, the access criteria in SSN mode may vary (eg priority to cancer patients). This access method requires your public health doctor’s authorization. You cannot choose your specialist.
SIMP - Practical solution offered by the Santa Lucia Foundation as an alternative to the National Health Service. Patient cost is basically comparable to the Public SSN rates. This method allows access to all medical services (in some cases a medical prescription may be required). You cannot choose your specialist.
Private - Access to exams with direct payment or health insurance (list of insurance agreements). You can choose your specialist.
ATTENTION: some clinical performances should be accessible only in some of the modalities listed above and not in all.
Booking online: Take a few minutes to complete the online form for visits and examinations, and you will be called back by our staff within 48 hours to set the date of the visit.
Telephone bookings: tel. +39 06.515011, Monday to Friday, h. 09:00 - 17:00
Headquarters: Outpatient Clinics, Via Ardeatina, 306 – 00179 Rome, Monday to Friday, h. 08:00 - 19:30; Saturday, h. 08:00 - 13:30
Outpatient Clinics